Occupational biological risk in healthcare workers

Keywords: Occupational biological risk;, healthcare workers


Biohazardous occupational accidents represent a significant challenge in the healthcare field due to the constant exposure of healthcare workers to pathogens. These accidents, which include needle sticks, cuts, splashes of body fluids, and contact with contaminated materials, can lead to serious infections, such as hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and HIV.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately two million healthcare workers experience sharps injuries annually, resulting in a significant risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens [1]. A study conducted in hospitals in Europe revealed that the prevalence rate of needlestick injuries ranges from 10% to 30% per year, with the highest rates in areas such as surgery and intensive care [2]. The high frequency of these incidents underscores the importance of implementing effective preventive strategies to protect these workers.


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