Mobbing in nursing students: characteristics and frequency of harassment behaviors

  • Elena Benítez del Pozo Enfermera
Keywords: enfermería, estudiantes, mobbing, hostigamiento, workplace harassment, cisneros


Mobbing in nursing is a problem with such a huge magnitude due to its high prevalence.

This study is written in order to conduct a research study whose objective is to describe the characteristics and frequency of mobbing behavior in nursing students of the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the University of Cádiz. To achieve the mentioned objective, we have developed a descriptive study to follow up one cohort, who is the 106 second year students of the four year degree of nursing, for a year. They have already done the Cisneros Questionnaire twice: one after finishing the second year and the second one after the third one.

The results obtained show a progressive increase in frequency of harassment behaviors perceived by the students.

The aspects that have been most highlighted are the nurses´ limitation of communication to the students and the lack of difficulty of the work that the nurses demand from the latter. Students feel that the activities they do in their placements are far below their abilities or that they hardly assign them tasks. This make that their placements are a period that can be described as a monotonous and boring work with almost no learning.

They also feel that they do not listen to them, ignore them and do not value their arguments or proposals. This makes them feel frustration, insecurity and vulnerability, which are three adjectives are felt by victims of mobbing.


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